## version $VER: InstallerNG.catalog 4.0 (14.06.00) ## codeset 0 ## language deutsch txt_1_8 Kann Skript nicht ffnen\x0a'%s' ;Unable to open script file\x0a'%s' txt_1_9 Laden|Ikonifizieren|Ende ;Load|Iconify|Quit txt_1_10 %s\x0aScannen, parsen und testen des Skriptes... bitte warten ;%s\x0aScanning, parsing and checking script... please wait txt_1_11 txt_1_12 %s\x0aDiese Version ist FREEWARE\x0aBitte lesen Sie die Anleitung\x0af r weitere Informationen\x0a\x0aDeutsche bersetzung: Jens Tr ;%s\x0aThis version is FREEWARE\x0aPlease read the manual for further information txt_1_14 Interessant ;Interesting txt_1_15 Danke ;Thank U txt_1_16 Installation beendet!\x0a'%s' befindet sich im Verzeichnis (Partition) '%s'.%s%s ;Installation complete!\x0a'%s' can be found in your '%s' drawer (or partition).%s%s txt_1_17 %s (%ld%% fertig) ;%s (%ld%% done) txt_1_18 Arbeite an der Installation...\x0a\x0a%s ;Working on installaltion...\x0a\x0a%s txt_1_19 Internes GUI programmiert von Jens Tr ger\x0a\x0aDas GUI basiert auf der 'SavGUI'\x0aBOOPSI Klassensammlung von Jens Tr ;Builtin GUI programmed by Jens Tr ger\x0a\x0aThis GUI is based on the 'SavGUI'\x0aBOOPSI classes collection by Jens Tr txt_1_20 txt_1_21 txt_1_22 Erzeuge Icon f r`s Verzeichnis ;Create icon for drawer txt_1_23 Vollst ndiger Pfad: ;Complete Path: txt_1_24 Erzeuge neues Verzeichnis...\x0a\x0aBitte den vollst ndigen Pfad des zu erzeugenden Verzeichnisses eingeben.\x0aFalls gew nscht, wird ein Icon zum Verzeichnis erzeugt. ;Make new Drawer...\x0a\x0aEnter the complete pathname of the new drawer you wish to make.\x0aAn icon for the new drawer can also be created if you want to. txt_1_25 %s\x0a\x0aG ltiger Bereich ist von %ld bis %ld ;%s\x0a\x0aValid range is %ld to %ld txt_1_26 Sind Sie sicher,\x0ada Sie abbrechen wollen? ;Are you sure you\x0awant to abort installation? txt_1_27 Ja|Nein ;Yes|No txt_1_28 Ignorieren|Alles ignorieren|Protokoll|Ende ;Ignore|Ignore All|Protocol|Quit txt_1_29 Ignorieren|Ende ;Ignore|Quit txt_1_30 FEHLER: ;ERROR: txt_1_31 Um fortzufahren, bitte richtigen Datentr ger einlegen ;Please insert correct disk to continue txt_1_32 Konnte Logfile nicht ffnen ;Failed to open logfile txt_1_33 txt_1_34 \x0aQuelldatei: %s\x0aZu installierende Version: %ld.%ld (%ld Bytes, %s)\x0a%s\x0a\x0aZielverzeichnis zum kopieren: \x0a%s\x0a ;\x0aSource file: %s\x0aVersion to install: %ld.%ld (%ld bytes, %s)\x0a%s\x0a\x0aDestination drawer to copy to:\x0a%s\x0a txt_1_35 Momentan installierte Version: %ld.%ld (%ld Bytes, %s) ;Version currently installed: %ld.%ld (%ld bytes, %s) txt_1_36 Momentan ist keine Version installiert ;Currently there is no version installed txt_1_37 Quelldatei ;Source file txt_1_38 Zieldatei ;Destination file txt_1_39 Zielverzeichnis ;Destination directory txt_1_40 '%s'\x0ais l schgesch tzt. Entsch tzen? ;'%s'\x0ais delete-protected. Unprotect? txt_1_41 ;Back txt_1_42 Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten...\x0a\x0a ;An error occured...\x0a\x0a txt_2_1 ;You will need to select a 'user Level'for the installer to continue. The different levels are as follows:\x0aNovice User: In this mode the installer proceeds entirely automatically, and will not ask you to make any decisions. However, this mode is only recomended for Amiga computers that are not extensively customized, as some of the assumptions made by the program are only valid on a 'stock' Amiga. You may still be requested to insert disks or perform other actions.\x0aIntermediate User: The installer will allow you to make major choices, such as where to install the application, but will not bother you with the minor details of copying files, creating drawers, etc.\x0aExpert User: In this mode you will be asked for confimation of each step of the installation process (although in some cases several steps may be combined into a single confirmation). In addition, you will have greater control over where installed items are placed.\x0a\x0aIn addition there are several buttons at the bottom:\x0a'Proceed with Install' indicates that you have chosen a User Level and that installation should be proceed.\x0a'About...' gives you information about the installation program, such as copyright information, version number, author, etc.\x0a'Abort Install' means that you have changed your mind and do not wish to install the application at this time.\x0a'Help...' brings up this text. txt_2_2 ;Explanation of controls\x0a'Install for Real' This will cause the installer to actually carry out the installation.\x0a'Pretend to Install' In this mode, the installer will go through all the steps of the installation, except that it will not make any permanent changes. You can use this option to get a 'preview' of what the installer will do before it actually does it. You can also use this in combination with the 'log file' options below to get a complete list of what happened during the rehearsal.\x0a\x0aPrinter This will cause a list of all installation actions to be printed out on the printer.\x0aLog File This will cause a list of all installation actions to be written to a log file. You will be informed of the location of this file when the installation finishes. You can use a text editor to read this file.\x0aNone When this option is turned on, no log file will be produced. txt_2_3 ... ... txt_2_4 ... ;Explanation of controls: Each of the checkboxes represents a option which you may make. A checkmark in a box represents a currently selected option. You can change options by clicking on the checkboxes. Once you are satisfied with the selected options, select 'Proceed' to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select 'Abort'. txt_2_5 ... ;Explanation of controls: Each of the raised buttons represents a choice which you may make. The button that is selected represents the currently choice. You can change the choice by selecting one of the choice buttons. Only one selection may be chosen. Once you are satisfied, select 'Proceed' to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select 'Abort'. txt_2_6 ... ;Once you have filled in the number box, you may select 'Proceed' to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select 'Abort'. txt_2_7 ... ;Once you have filled in the text box, you may select 'Proceed' to continue with the installation. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select 'Abort'. txt_2_8 ... ;Once you have inserted the requested disk, you should select 'Proceed'. If you cannot find the disk, or wish to abort the installation for any reason, then select 'Abort'. txt_2_9 ... ;Explanation of controls:\x0aThe large 'scrolling list box' in the center displays the contents of the currently selected disk or directory. Drawers will be indicated by a special symbol in front of the Drawer name. The name of the disk or directory being viewed is shown below it in a raised outlined box. Beneath that, in another raised outlined box, is the name of the file which is currently selected. To the right is a slider which can be used to scroll through the list, in case there are more names than will fit into the window.\x0aYou can change the selection either by typing a new drawer name into the 'Current Drawer' text box, or by typing a new file name into the 'Selected File' text box, or by clicking on the names of drawers and files in the scrolling list.\x0aThe button 'Parent Drawer' will allow you to view the drawer that contains this one, in other words the 'Parent' of the currently visible drawer.\x0aThe button 'Show Drives' will show a list of all the disk drives in your system. You can then click on a drive name to view the contents of that drive.\x0aThe button 'Proceed' indicates you are satisfied with the currently selected file.\x0aThe button 'Abort Install' will abort the installation. No further changes will be made.\x0a'Help...' brings up this text. txt_2_10 ... ;Explanation of controls\x0aThe large 'scrolling list box' in the center displays the content of the currently selected disk or directory. Drawers will be indicated by a special symbol in front of the drawer name. The name of the disk or directory being viewed is shown below in a raised outlined box. To the right is a slider which can be used to scroll through the list, in case there are more names than will fit into the window.\x0a\x0aYou can change the selection by typing a new drawer name into the 'Current Drawer' text box, or by clicking on the names of drawers in the scrolling list.\x0a\x0aThe button 'Parent Drawer' will allow you to view the drawer that contains this one, in other words the 'Parent' of the current visible drawer.\x0a\x0aThe button 'Show Drives' will show a list of all the disk drives in your system. You can can then click on a drive name to view it`s contents.\x0a\x0aThe button 'Make New Drawer' will allow you to create a new drawer. The newly created drawer will then turn to the current directory.\x0a\x0aThe button 'Proceed' indicates you are satisfied with the currently selected drawer.\x0a\x0aThe button 'Abort install' will abort the installation. No further changes will be made.\x0a\x0a'Help...' brings up this text. txt_2_11 ... ;Explanation of controls:\x0aThe file to be installed may or may not be replacing an older version. The display shows a comparison between the currently installed version and the new version that will replace it. The destination drawer that the file will be copied to is also shown.\x0aThe button 'Proceed with Copy' will cause the file to be copied to the destination drawer.\x0aThe button 'Skip this part' causes the installer to proceed to the next section. The file will not be copied.\x0aThe button 'Abort Install' will cancel the installation with no further changes made.\x0a'Help...' brings up this text. txt_2_12 ... ;Explanation of controls:\x0aThe raised box shows a list of file or drawer names. Each name can be selected by shift-klicking on the name. If you want the file to be copied, then select the name. An unselected name will not be copied.\x0aThe box labeled 'Destination Drawer to copy to:', just beneath the listing of names shows the drawer to which the items will be copied.\x0aThe button 'Proceed with Copy' will cause all the files or drawers which are checked to be copied to the destination drawer.\x0aThe button 'Skip this part' causes the installer to proceed to the next section. None of the items listed will be copied.\x0aThe button 'Change Destination' will allow you to select a new destination. You can use this to copy the items somewhere else.\x0aThe button 'Abort Install' will cancel the installation with no further changes being made.\x0a'Help...' brings up this text. txt_2_13 ... ;Select 'Proceed' if you want the new drawer to be created. Select 'Skip This Part' if you do not want the drawer to be created. If you wish to abort the installation for any reason, select 'Abort'. txt_2_14 ... ;The 'User-Startup' file located in the 'S:' drawer is used to store specific commands that some applications need executed at system boot. You are being asked to confirm that this file can be edited. Select the 'Proceed' button to confirm, otherwise select the button labeled 'Skip This Part'.You can also abort installation by selecting 'Abort' txt_3_1 Fehler beim Erzeugen von GUI-Elementen ;Error while creating GUI elements txt_4_1 Willkommen zur '%s' Installation\x0aBitte geben Sie an, wie die Installation fortgesetzt werden soll\x0a(basierend auf Ihrem Wissen ber den Amiga) ;Welcome to the '%s' installation utility.\x0aPlease indicate how the installation should proceed\x0a(based uppon your knowledge of the Amiga computer) txt_5_1 Modus zum Installieren ; Set Installation Mode txt_5_2 nger - Alle Aktionen automatisch ;Novice User - All actions automatic txt_5_3 Mittelm ige Erfahrung - beschr nkte Kontrolle ;Intermediate User - Limited manual control txt_5_4 Experte - alle Aktionen best tigen ;Expert User - Must confirm all actions txt_6_1 Optionen zum Installieren ; Installation Options txt_6_2 Richtig installieren ;Install for real txt_6_3 Installation simulieren ;Pretend to install txt_6_4 Alle Aktionen notieren nach ; Log all actions to txt_6_5 Drucker ;Printer txt_6_6 Logfile ;Log File txt_6_7 Konsole ;Console txt_6_8 ;None txt_6_9 Weitere Optionen ; Advanced Options txt_6_10 DEBUG Ausgaben zeigen ;Show DEBUG output txt_6_11 Niemals s:startup-sequence ndern ;Never modify s:startup-sequence txt_6_12 Uninstall Skript erzeugen ;Create uninstall script txt_6_13 Nicht aus Systemverzeichnissen l schen ;Don't delete from system drawers txt_6_14 Jede Datei mit Packetnamen kommentieren ;Comment every File with Packagename txt_6_15 Jede Aktion best tigen ;Always ask for confirmation txt_7_2 Weiter mit der Installation ;Proceed with Install txt_7_3 Installation abbrechen ;Abort Install txt_7_4 ber... ;About... txt_7_5 Hilfe... ;Help... txt_7_6 bergeordnetes Verzeichnis ;Parent Drawer txt_7_7 Laufwerke zeigen ;Show Drives txt_7_8 Verzeichnis anlegen ;Make new Drawer txt_7_9 Dies berspringen ;Skip this Part txt_7_10 Abbruch ;Cancel txt_7_11 ;Quit txt_7_12 chste Seite... ;Next page... txt_7_13 Vorherige Seite... ;Previous page... txt_7_14 ;Back txt_7_15 Installation beenden ;Finish installation txt_8_1 Fehler/Warnung bei Skriptanalyse!\x0a\x0aFehler: %s\x0aZeile: %ld\x0aZeichen: %ld ;Error/Warning while analysing script!\x0a\x0aError: %s\x0aLine: %ld\x0aChar: %ld txt_8_2 Syntaxfehler ;syntax error txt_8_3 Parsestack bergelaufen ;parse stack overflow txt_8_4 Parsestack unterlaufen ;parse stack underflow txt_8_5 Skriptende erwartet ;end of script expected txt_8_6 Unbekanntes Symbol ;unknown symbol txt_8_7 Unbkannter Fehler aufgetreten ;unknown error detected txt_8_8 Parsestack defekt ;parse stack corrupt txt_8_9 Kein Speicher mehr ;out of memory txt_8_10 Scanner erzeugte unbekannten Fehler ;scanner raises unknown error txt_8_11 Nicht beendeter String ;unterminated string txt_8_12 Zahl hat zu viele Ziffern ;number has too many digits txt_8_13 ( erwartet ;( expected txt_8_14 ) erwartet ;) expected txt_8_15 ( oder Funktion erwartet ;( or function expected txt_8_16 Funktion ist hier nicht erlaubt ;function not allowed here txt_8_17 Unerwartetes Ende der Datei ;unexpected end of source file txt_8_18 Fehlender Ausdruck ;missing expression txt_8_19 Funktionaler Ausdruck erwartet ;functional expression expected txt_9_1 Fehler beim Interpretieren des Skriptes!\x0a\x0aFehler: %s\x0aFunktion: %s\x0aZeile: %ld\x0aZeichen: %ld ;Error while interpreting script!\x0a\x0aError: %s\x0aFunction: %s\x0aLine: %ld\x0aChar: %ld txt_9_3 Kann Fehler nicht festlegen ;cannot specify error txt_9_6 Division durch Null ;division by zero txt_9_7 Funktion nicht implementiert ;unimplemented function txt_9_8 Variable nicht initialisiert ;variable not uninitialized txt_9_9 Bezeichner erwartet ;identifier expected txt_9_10 Wert ist au erhalb des Bereiches ;value is out of range txt_9_11 Typkonflikt bei Operation ;type conflict in operation txt_9_12 Zahl zu gro zum Konvertieren ;number too long to convert txt_9_13 Aufruf einer unbekannten Nutzerfunktion ;call to unknown user-function txt_9_14 Stack ist voll (zu viele Rekursionen) ;stack full (too many recursions) txt_9_15 Fehler beim Stringformatieren ;error while formating string txt_9_16 Fehlendes Argument ;missing argument txt_9_18 zu viele Argumente ;too many arguments txt_9_19 Fehlendes Argument ;missing parameter txt_9_20 Falsche Quellenangabe ;bad source specification txt_9_21 Ausdruck ist kein String ;expression not of type string txt_9_22 Ausdruck ist keine Zahl ;expression not of type number txt_9_23 fehlende Parameterfunktion ;parameter function needed txt_9_24 Fehler im Skript ;error in script txt_9_25 Falsche Parameterdaten ;bad parameter data txt_9_26 Fehler mit dem REXX server ;error with REXX server txt_9_27 Symboleigenschaft nicht gefunden ;symbol property not found txt_9_28 Versuch, eine Konstante zu modifizieren ;attempt to modify a constant value txt_10_1 Fehler beim Skripttest!\x0a\x0aFehler: %s\x0aFunktion: %s\x0aZeile: %ld\x0aZeichen: %ld ;Error while checking script!\x0a\x0aError: %s\x0aFunction: %s\x0aLine: %ld\x0aChar: %ld txt_10_2 Falsche Anzahl von Parametern ;Wrong number of arguments txt_10_3 Parameterfunktion am falschen Platz ;Parameter function out of scope txt_10_4 Funktion darf nicht im Parameter auftreten ;Function cannot nest inside of parameter txt_10_5 Parameter mu Bezeichner sein ;Parameter must be identifier txt_10_6 Zugriff auf nicht initialisierte Variable ;Usage of uninitialized identifier txt_10_7 Unbekannter Fehler ;Unknown error txt_10_8 Fehlende Parameterfunktion ;Missing parameter function txt_10_9 Falsche Parameterfunktion ;Wrong parameter function txt_10_10 Nutzung nichtdefinierter Nutzerprozedur ;Use of undefined user-procedure txt_10_11 glicherweise sinnfreier Ausdruck ;Possible useless expression txt_11_1 Projekt ;Project txt_11_2 ber... ;About... txt_11_3 ber GUI... ;About GUI... txt_11_4 Ikonifizieren ;Iconify txt_11_5 ;Quit txt_12_1 Kopiere Dateien... ;Copying files... txt_12_2 Kopiere Datei '%s' ;Copying file '%s' txt_12_3 sche Dateien\x0a'%s' ;Deleting file\x0a'%s' txt_12_4 hre Skriptdatei aus\x0a'%s' ;Executing script\x0a'%s' txt_12_5 Lese Icon-Informationen von\x0a'%s' ;Getting icon information of\x0a'%s' txt_12_6 Erzeuge neues Verzeichnis\x0a'%s' ;Creating new directory\x0a'%s' txt_12_7 Benenne Datei\x0a'%s'\x0aum zu\x0a'%s' ;Renaming file\x0a'%s'\x0ato\x0a'%s' txt_12_8 Starte ARexx-Skript\x0a'%s' ;Running ARexx script\x0a'%s' txt_12_9 Starte Programm\x0a'%s' ;Running programm\x0a'%s' txt_12_10 Modifiziere Startup-Dateien... ;Modifying startup files... txt_12_11 Erzeuge neue Textdatei\x0a'%s' ;Creating new textfile\x0a'%s' txt_12_12 ndere Icon-Informationen von\x0a'%s' ;Changing icon information of\x0a'%s' txt_12_13 ffne Workbench Objekt '%s' ;Opening Workbench object '%s' txt_13_1 ******* Installations Logdatei (InstallerNG) *******\x0aNutzerstufe: %s\x0aSimulieren: %s\x0a\x0a ;******* Installation Log (InstallerNG) *******\x0aUser level: %s\x0aPretend: %s\x0a\x0a txt_13_2 Neues Verzeichnis erzeugen: %s\x0a ;Create new directory: %s\x0a txt_13_3 Kopiere Datei %s nach %s\x0a ;Copy file %s to %s\x0a txt_13_4 Kopiere Inhalt des Verzeichnisses %s nach %s\x0a ;Copy contents of drawer %s to %s\x0a txt_13_5 ASKCHOICE: Benutzer w hlte %s\x0a ;ASKCHOICE: User selected %s\x0a txt_13_6 ASKOPTIONS: Benutzer w hlte nichts\x0a ;ASKOPTIONS: User selected no options\x0a txt_13_7 ASKOPTIONS: Benutzer w hlte die folgenden Optionen...\x0a ;ASKOPTIONS: User selected following options...\x0a txt_13_8 ASKSTRING: Ergebnis war %s\x0a ;ASKSTRING: Result was %s\x0a txt_13_9 ASKNUMBER: Ergebnis war %ld\x0a ;ASKNUMBER: Result was %ld\x0a txt_13_10 ASKBOOL: Ergebnis war %s\x0a ;ASKBOOL: Result was %s\x0a txt_13_11 ASKDIR: Ergebis war %s\x0a ;ASKDIR: Result was %s\x0a txt_13_12 ASKFILE: Ergebnis war %s\x0a ;ASKFILE: Result was %s\x0a txt_13_13 Benutzer nderte das voreingestellte Zielverzeichnis f r COPYFILES in %s\x0a ;User changed COPYFILES destination drawer to %s\x0a txt_13_14 ge die auszuf hrende Kommandos %s in die Datei %s ab Byte %ld ein\x0a ;Insert commands to execute %s in file %s at byte %ld\x0a txt_13_15 Erzeuge Textdatei: %s\x0a================== Start der Textdatei ================\x0a ;Create textfile: %s\x0a================== Start of textfile ==================\x0a txt_13_16 ================== Ende der Textdatei =================\x0a ;=================== End of textfile ===================\x0a txt_13_17 hre DOS Skript aus: %s\x0a ;Execute DOS script: %s\x0a txt_13_18 Starte Programm: %s\x0a ;Run program: %s\x0a txt_13_19 hre AREXX Skript aus: %s\x0a ;Execute ARexx script: %s\x0a txt_13_20 Benenne %s in %s um\x0a ;Rename %s to %s\x0a txt_13_21 sche Datei %s\x0a ;Delete file %s\x0a txt_13_22 Skript abbrechen\x0a ;Aborting script\x0a txt_13_23 Skript verlassen...\x0a ;Exiting script...\x0a txt_13_24 Schreibe nach %s\x0a=================== Start der Datei ===================\x0a ;Writing to %s\x0a==================== Start of file ====================\x0a txt_13_25 \x0a==================== Ende der Datei ===================\x0a ;\x0a===================== End of file =====================\x0a txt_14_1 Ende|Fehler erzeugen|Weiter ;Quit|Raise Error|Continue txt_14_2 Soll der InstallerNG wirklich aufh ren zu interpretieren? ;Should the InstallerNG really quit interpreting?